Why I am Grateful for my Amputation

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” the social worker told me, sadness in her eyes. I thanked her quietly, but inside, I had a different response.

“It’s not like someone just died. I lost part of my leg, not a life. And I am not sorry about it.” I kept my thoughts to myself, not wanting to offend anyone. But one of the hardest things about the process of having an amputation is the responses of others. Okay, not the responses…just the sadness. The way that their hearts are broken while mine feels like it is being put back together.

I guess it’s hard for anyone to see joy and happiness in the fact that their loved one has had a life-changing surgery. I mean, we want the best for our friends and family, so hearing that they had to have a limb chopped off isn’t exactly good news. But for me, for my situation, amputation was the best thing that could have happened. Instead of being heartbroken by the situation, I have been filled with a new sense of hope. Of course, I was scared and went through a spectrum of emotions before the surgery. But now, am I sad? Mad? Angry? Not a chance.

In my mind, amputation was the miracle I never knew I needed. Yes, it’s true that I never imagined that I would call myself an amputee at the age of 20, but with everything that had happened, amputation was a complete lifesaver…literally. Since going under the knife, I’ve felt more joy and had more genuine smiles than I have in two years. I’ve experienced a new gratitude toward life. I’ve felt more like myself, more like the person I was before my leg was taken over by various diagnoses. Even though this isn’t what I would have chosen for my life, now that I’ve gone through it, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Each time I rest my leg and stumplet on the bed or cover the lower half of my body with a cuddly blanket, I am grateful. I cried big, happy tears after surgery when I realized that for the first time in two years, a blanket didn’t send my pain soaring. Every moment that I can laugh with friends and family, I am thankful. With each new day that I realize I don’t have to deal with the dressing changes and messiness of my wound-laden foot, I am overjoyed. There are so, so many wonderful things that have happened as a result of my amputation, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

In case you’re wondering, amputation is not exactly an easy process and I would not recommend it to anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I mean, I have a long road ahead and I still deal with pain. I’ve had to adjust to how life is changing as a result of my surgeries.  There are still challenges and I still have my concerns. It’s not some overnight, simple fix and I’m sure I will have my moments of uneasiness and uncomfortable emotions, but as a whole, I couldn’t be happier.

If you see me around or want to talk to me about my amputation, that’s fine. You don’t have to scoot around it or feel awkward about approaching the issue. Talking about it isn’t going to cause me to fall into a puddle of tears. It’s part of my story, a piece of my life, but it is not something that I feel bitterness or anger about. All the sadness in the world couldn’t grow my leg back, so I feel like staying positive and keeping the humor alive is a much better plan. Losing my leg hasn’t changed who I am as a person. It hasn’t broken me. It hasn’t stolen my joy. If anything, amputation has made me more myself. It has restored broken pieces that I didn’t know how to repair.

It may take knowing the details of the months leading up to surgery for people to understand the depth of relief that I felt when I saw the gap between my knee and the end of the bed. I think I’ll save that story for another day, but know that the past two weeks have been better than most of the past two years.

When I say I’m happy, I mean it. I am grateful for my amputation, and life. is. good.


53 thoughts on “Why I am Grateful for my Amputation

  1. Lisa Ward says:

    Wow! Praise God for this! I know that you are and will be an inspiration to so many people! You are an amazing young woman. Praying not only for your rehab and continued healing, but for the continued work of our awesome God who is obviously working in your life!


  2. LisaBranton says:

    Hi Rachel… we have prayed for you so often. It started with Graham (now 14). When you were first diagnosed (goodness… was that 7 or 8 years ago??). He prayed every night for you for a couple of years. “Rachel Schneemann” is a precious name to us because he said it so faithfully. We have followed your story. No one could look at you/know you and question whether there is a God. His life is so evident in yours. At home we have talked lately about that John verse that says “In this life you will have trouble” …. no surprise there I guess. I am still blown away and surprised by how He shows up in the midst of it. We are getting a dose of that here lately too and I just smiled reading your post. There He is again. Showing up and doing that thing He does in the midst of life in a fallen world. You’re a special one Rachel. So glad we get to enjoy glimpses here and there. Love, the Brantons


    • schneerae says:

      Hi! Thank you so much for the prayers! How sweet that Graham was praying for me back then 🙂 I give God all the credit for my strength and ability to deal with the craziness of life. I think of that verse often, remembering that while we do have to go through our own struggles, He is always there with us. Thanks for the love and encouragement! ❤


  3. Ms. Conti says:

    Dear Rachel,

    You are the most amazing, inspiring young lady I have ever known — what a role model you are for the rest of us!! My wish for you is an effective pain management program, one that allows you to do everything you want to do with your life. I would wish you joy and peace, but you obviously already have those!! 🙂

    Ms. Conti


  4. Elizabeth says:

    YOU are truly amazing and I am grateful that our paths crossed…albeit at the onset of the diagnoses. I am so proud of you and so impressed with your strength, your attitude and your perseverance. You are an inspiration to everyone and I hope others who face the same decisions will turn to you for inspiration. Hugs to you and your family!


    • schneerae says:

      Aww, thank you! I too am grateful that our paths crossed. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement! I can only hope that I will be able to help others who are dealing with their own struggles by sharing mine. Hugs back to you!


  5. Wendy Benya says:

    Hi Rachel,

    I did not know about this next step in your life’s journey but I was inspired by your response to it. You have seem so much and continue to triumph. I will be real curious to see where you go next.

    Mrs. Benya


  6. Tami Fisher says:

    I’m impressed with the strength and amazing attitude you have. You are a beautiful woman of God and I am proud to call you and your family my friends.


  7. BrazenCosmetics says:

    I’m so thrilled to hear of your amazing and thought-provoking attitude. What an inspiration! I actually think you *should* explain your perspective to people when they feel sorry for you or express sadness about the situation. They probably didn’t know anyone could be such a strong and resilient young person in the face of a difficult challenge. So A fresh outlook on life may be what they need to see things differently! You are awesome! Sending you good vibes!!!!!!
    S (your mom directed my in DRS a few years back)


    • schneerae says:

      Thank you! I do try to let people know that I am okay with the whole situation and that it was the best possible scenario. I appreciate your kind words, encouragement, and good vibes!! 🙂


  8. Jennifer Rice says:

    You have been on my mind and in my prayers a lot over the years. Rachel, I so appreciate the way you are sharing your journey. I hope you will be able to continue sharing – and I wouldn’t be surprised if it led to a book contract(!) You are such an engaging wise thoughtful writer. Thank you for explaining how you accepted the comments about being sorry for your loss… I can totally see me saying that to you before this post! I am eager to see where this journey takes you and praise God for the wise doctor He put in your path. Keep pointing people to Jesus as they hear your story. <


  9. Holly says:

    You are truly an inspiration to all. Your positive attitude is amazing. Please keep us posted on your progress. You will continue to be in our prayers.


  10. Aunt Linda says:

    What an inspiring and courageous post, Rachel. I’m proud to say, “Yep, that ‘s my great niece!” God is doing an amazing work in your heart and your life … and we ‘re waiting to read that book that you’re going to have published one day to inspire others going through difficult times. Love you so so so so much!!


  11. Doris Luce says:

    I became familiar with your story through your Aunt Tami and Uncle Ray. (Ray was an associate pastor at our church back in the mid to late 90s.) You are such a courageous and inspiring young lady and I am blessed every time I read another post by you. God has His hand on you and the things you have done and will do for His glory will be many. I won’t be at all surprised to read your story in “Guideposts” some day. I am honored to pray for you.


  12. Marcia H says:

    Rachel, I’m in online Bible Study with Kelly G. We were praying for your surgeries. I am so thankful that God answered our prayers and is with you every step of the way. Thank you for this post which shows that God really is good all the time. I had a Sunday School teacher who had his leg amputated. I will never forget the day we went out on a boat and he tried water skiing! I don’t think he had the right kind of artificial leg on it, but his leg kept falling off before he could get up on the skis. I don’t know f he ever mastered that. But I do know he never lets the loss of that leg hold him back. He is always telling one legged jokes!


  13. Donna Verna says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings so honestly and beautifully! You have a wonderfully bright attitude and reflect the love of Jesus and prayers of friends.


  14. chioma says:

    what a positive attitude! i thank God for u and I am truly encouraged by you. God bless and perfect all that concerns you..You are such a beautiful and blessed young lady.


  15. Susan Brown says:

    I went through the same thing and its a speed bump. Slows me down but the pain is gone and the prosthetic leg is a bit awkward but it gets better


  16. Donna Myrick says:


    Your blog and backstrory has brought tears to my eyes….tears for all you’ve endured, but tears of joy that there is hope at the end of this journey for you! I’ve known emotional pain, but physical pain is indeed so real, and most of us have never endured what you have. I am so in awe of the young woman you are and so excited to think of what God will use through your story of triumph!


  17. Barb Paternoster says:

    The rest of us have much to learn from you, Rachel. Thank you for sharing with us the wisdom you’re gaining in the unique ways your story is unfolding. It reminds me of Psalm 139 – “the darkness is not dark to You”. Praise God for the grace he’s giving you to receive this as a gift.


    • schneerae says:

      Thank you for taking the time to read what I have written! It certainly is by the grace of God that I am able to get through this with a smile rather than sinking into depression. ❤


  18. The Plom Family says:


    You don’t know me. I don’t think we ever even met. I am
    a friend of a friend of your fathers. In life we all hear about
    a lot of “folks who need prayer’. I must admit, many times
    I pray once or twice and figure God heard me and that is that.

    Then there are those times the Lord seems to impress someone
    on your heart to pray for. You simply can’t forget about them,
    you pray for them often – and you truly feel for them.

    I felt the Lord encourage me to pray for you when I found out
    about you a few weeks ago. The little I knew about you was
    enough. I don’t know if it was that I too have children or that
    I almost died this year – but I have lifted you up in prayer, as
    I’m sure many, many others have.

    I simply wanted you to know that your Lord loves you so
    much, He has called those you don’t even know to petition
    His throne on your behalf.

    What a shining witness and example of a beautiful godly
    young lady you are.

    May God continue to richly bless & comfort you & yours.

    Thank you.



    • schneerae says:


      Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such great prayer Warriors, and appreciate the fact that you’ve been lifting me up in prayer even though we’ve never met. Thanks again! ❤


  19. Donna Myrick says:

    Today when I waited in the DPS to renew my drivers license, the lady beside me made a statement that has given me “pause” to think on. She said she married in 1963 and she and her husband went into a furniture store and bought an Early American sofa that rocked! (Never saw one of those!) Anyway, her daugher grew up and went in the military and had this sofa shipped to wherever she was, all over the world. She didn’t really like it and along the way had it re-covered She finally married, but was unable to get pregnant, but this lady ( her mother) told her that she believed God would bless them with children someday. Finally at 44, she was pregnant with TRIPLETS! Her Mom went to California for 9 months to help with the babies and often took the night feedings of these babies. As she fed them and changed them, and napped in between, she said she suddenly knew WHY God had lead her to that sofa….it enabled her to take care of those babies and rock them ALL at once. The remarkable thing that she saw however, was God knew she’d one day need that sofa! So, Rachel, know that He has always had a plan and a purpose for you and He has used your faith to touch so many people! But whatever comes, we know tha tHe is in all your tomorrows!!


    • schneerae says:

      What a great story-thanks for sharing! It’s so cool how God knows what’s ahead and prepares us, even when we don’t always understand what is happening. Thanks for the encouragement today!



    Life will not stop for the limb.And you can climb a hill.You can achieve your old functions by getting an artificial.and it will cosmetically same as to your normal side as natural.


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